Accepting in-person payments via Stripe Dashboard app

To accept Tap to Pay payments in-person via credit/debit cards and devices (phones/watches) using Apple Pay or Google Pay directly into your Stripe account, you can use the Stripe Dashboard app and follow these steps:

  1. Open Stripe Dasboard app and click "+" button in the upper-right:

  2. Choose "Charge a card or send an invoice":

  3. Enter amount to charge:
    Optionally enter a description and/or add customer to Stripe

  4. Choose " Tap to Pay", then "Next" button*:
    Note: If customer doesn't have a card or device that supports Tap to Pay, then you can choose "Manually Charge Card" and type or scan the credit card info within the app.

  5. Have customer tap their card or device to pay:

*If this is your 1st time attempting Tap to Pay, you may be asked to link your Apple ID or Google Account to your business:

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